Soft waiata sound lightly in my ears
That's one signal
Matariki is here
See my fire like a roaring sun.
Fresh air quickly fills my lungs
And I hear karanga.
Loud, soft singing like a babbling brook.
Matariki is here
come have a look.
Bright phenomenal lights high in a beautiful sky
Whitu to be exact, flying so high.
Crashing of waves fills a blank night
With salty air that has some might.
As a heavenly hangi stomps underground
Songs start again and our sun slowly comes around.
Roaring bonfire, lit quickly with flame .
As we tell stories of those sadly passed away.
We all begin singing
Roaring bonfires die quietly
a steaming hangi gets lifted up.
Prepared perfectly
Waiata sound loudly up into heavy clouds.
Whetu, slowly fluttering to ground.
Manu tukutuku, gliding steadily into a bright sky.
Grateful for what we have
Matariki is nigh.
What a fabulous Matariki poem Arly! You have put a lot of thought and effort into this!