Monday, 8 May 2017

weta poem

Although your ears on your legs
silent at night, you make no sound
You burrow a hole and lay eggs in a mound
creeping at night stealthily
easy to camouflage difficult to see
You are the punga beneath the beech tree
Omnivore, eater of plants and invertebrates
searching for Kai nocturnally
Brown stripes, skinny legs  with spikes
one kick from it's legs stings like bee
night time predator hunting prey
Only a stoat or rat can make you flee
between grassland,  shrubland and forest
Your  habitat is likely to be leafy
It is called a ground weta for a reason

digging in its burrow searching deeply


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Arly,
    you have made a good poem about Weta. I like how you have added the Maori name for the Weta and I also like how you have said what their threats are. next time you could add a capital letter to Weta.

    From Zoe

  3. Kia Ora Arly
    Hi my name is Tai and I'm here with my buddy Harlem from Panmure Bridge School. What you have done is a very fantastic poem. I like how you described what the weta looks like and what predators hunt Weta's. You have done a suburb poem. Maybe next time you could add more words into your poem so others can really enjoy it too. You have done awesome work. Keep being awesome.

    From Tai and Harlem

  4. Hi Arly,
    My name's Sam and, first things first, I dunno if you remember me or not but I was in code club last year. I'm from Grey Main School, Totara 2 and I honestly LOVE your Ground Weta Poem. It is amazing and I realise that you put HEAPS of effort into this. I did not know that its legs sting insects like a bee's stinger. One thing you could work on is the first line 'cause it doesn't really make much sense. Other than that small issue I really liked your poem.
    Yours Sincerely,
    P.s. Check my blog :)
    P.P.S. The link to my blog is on my name


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